Labels:book | bookcase | bulletin board | chat room | earth | poster | reckoner | sky | window | windowpane OCR: Apple 1 Monochrome Monitors Svstem Reouirements To use Apple Mr To UM UP Apple Mono; trome If you havan Appke: chrome Monikeor Ie. I110A Monikor wou'll need 4pple mav alsc wish I} purax need an Apple Ie. Apple Hcs 01 Apple [Ic personal an Apple Monitor Stand Plus Applc prrsonal putir computer. Technical Specifications Apple Monwhrome Apple Munochrome Monitor Monitor 1 ....- Picture tb tches 20.5 centimetersj 17 inches 30.5 centimetersj tiagonal diagonal Hight-- contraxt High-contrast Amiglare Antiglare ciagoual deflection diagoral deflextion Green phosphor Whine phosphor ELA Type P31) (ELA Type P4j Active dfs splay area 215 millineters horizontal l by 215 nilirnelers Irorionta] by 160 I millimelers venical 160 miltimeler: verlical (remainder of area used 'remainder of area is usext for bor ...